$1,111.00 USD

Decorating with FENG SHUI

The ultimate course that will transform your home into a harmonious sanctuary through conscious & intentional design.

Decorating with Feng Shui is self-paced 6-module program total of 50+ lessons that unlock the secrets of Feng Shui and embarks on a path of harmonious living.

Are you ready to transform your home into the peaceful and tranquil haven you’ve always envisioned?
And what if, through the process of decorating your space, you could also transform your life?

Your home is a living and breathing entity that intricately connects with the deeper aspects of your energy.  It is a mirror that reflects the vibrational patterns, to help you see what you may not be able to see objectively otherwise.

  • If you yearn for a home that not only looks stunning but is also designed in accordance with your personal energy…
  • If you desire a more conscious way beyond just being ‘trendy’, to decorate your home so that it can grow you and activate you…
  • If you want to rapidly raise your home’s vibration to create harmony, serenity and abundance without it costing an arm and a leg…
  • If you wish you could use a comprehensive guide as your reference, a go-to resource that provides step-by-step guidance for all your colour, design and furniture arrangement needs, then look no further.
  • If you are an interior designer who wishes that your design not only tells a story but exudes a deeper layer of substance that comes from knowing the energetic composition…

If this is a resounding Yes, you are in the right place!

Decorating with Feng Shui
is a course to activate you.

  • It bridges the gap between Interior Design & Classical Feng Shui in the most effortless way, so you can fully express your design gift creatively.
  • It teaches you the practical steps on how to incorporate the Five Elements into your home by using colours, shapes, finishes and furniture so the final result feels elegant, harmonious, stylish and beautiful.
  • It simplifies the complicated Feng Shui principles to get you up-to-speed so you can confidently channel your energy into making design or decorating decisions that also resonate with the Bagua energy map.
  • It brings the essential Feng Shui technique and Interior Design together seamlessly in order to support your goals & intentions in life.

This is what you are getting: 

Module 1. Essential Feng Shui Principles

In this module, we lay a solid foundation to gain insights on the most crucial Feng Shui principles to understand the movement of Qi and how energy interacts with your personal energy.

Module 2. 


You will get close and intimate with the energy building blocks – The Magical Five Element. You will learn how to decorate your home with the expression of each element in colour, shape and form and beyond:

Module 3.


Desire to create a home that can also be a source of your Power, Wealth and Beauty? Understanding this part is the key. You world will never be the same again after this module.

Module 4.


Feng Shui significance & key guidelines for all 8 directions, for these two areas.
This module also covers how to set up a focal point, how to play with lighting, artwork etc. It covers all the interesting ideas when it comes to front door colour, numbers, how to use mirror etc. so you have everything at your finger tips

Module 5.


Feng Shui significance & key guidelines below key areas:

This sector also covers the kitchen locations, what to avoid and how to remedy and balance the energy if you do find its location is not ideal and so much more.

 DECORATING with FENG SHUI, where energy meets design.


It is time to tap into the Period 9 energy and learn how to decorate your home consciously.

It is time to blend the design and Feng Shui principles effortlessly, so you can transform your life during the process of decorating your home.

Let's go! 🌹